Monday, October 14, 2013

What God's Part Is As Your Source

(Living “A” Life Versus “THE” Life – Part 4)

    I hope that your want is to experience the victory, freedom, healing of woundedness, and transformation into Christ-likeness that we talked about in the previous blog. I don’t think there is one of us who does not want to experience these promises and the many other promises that God has for us. Therefore, I think it is important to understand what God’s is in order to experience these promises.

GOD’S PART - God Is the INITIATOR and the CAUSE and EFFECT of making His promises an experiential reality in your life.

God as the INITIATOR

   Look at the first part of Philippians 1:6 to understand how God is the initiator.

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you…”                         Philippians 1:6a

    What is Paul telling you in the first part of this verse? He is saying that God began the work that He wants to accomplish in you. He began or initiated this work in you at salvation. The Father accomplished this work by sending Jesus to die on the cross to save mankind from their sins. However, God promises to do much more than just save you.

God as the CAUSE and EFFECT

     Look at the second part of Philippians 1:6 to see the truth that God is the cause and effect of bringing us to the place where we will experience His promises.

“…He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6b

     We see in the second part of Philippians 1:6 that God not only began the work but that He also WILL complete the work that He began in you at salvation. This verse reveals to us that:

God Is the INITIATOR and the CAUSE and EFFECT to make His promises an experiential reality in your life.

    The false belief is that we are to be the initiator and the cause and effect of transformation in our lives. In other words if any change is to occur, it is up to YOU to transform yourself (with God’s help). It is because of this false belief that so many believers have either given up or else keep trying harder to live the Christian life. The truth is that only God can be the cause and effect of change when it comes to fulfilling His promises. Another way of saying it is that God will be the producer of what He promises for you.

What are some of the things that God will produce in you? He will:

  • FREE you from the sin strongholds that you can’t overcome. – Galatians 5:1
  • HEAL you of your past and present woundedness. – Psalm 147:3
  • SUPPLY your needs. – Philippians 4:19
  • Be your VICTORY over sin, the world, the flesh, and Satan. – 1 Corinthians 15:57
  • TRANSFORM your life for you to experience Christ-likeness.  – 2 Corinthians 3:18
  • Draw you into an INTIMATE relationship with Himself. – Ephesians 1:5

     I want to leave you with this final thought. The word “will” in this verse means that God is “determined” to make these promises an experiential reality in your life. Think about this for a moment. The determined God of the universe lives within you and wants you, eternally more than you want for yourself, to experience His freedom, victory, healing of woundedness and transformation.

In the next lesson, we will look at what your part is in living from God as your Source.

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